These 8 Harry Potter Movies You Must Watch 

The Harry Potter franchise is a global phenomenon like few others. It’s been 13 years since the last book was released, nine years since the last movie hit theaters, and yet the IP is as strong as it ever was. Harry Potter is the kind of elaborate theme parks, video games, and in fact the highly re-readable novels. this type of longevity is rare, and it’s all to try to to with the standard of the story J.K. Rowling kicked off to inform over 20 years ago and also the lush, tangible world she created.

But Harry Potter doesn’t begin and end with the books. like anything that’s popular nowadays, Hollywood came calling rather quickly, and therefore the first Harry Potter film was released a touch over a year after Rowling’s fourth book hit the shelves. But in another minor miracle, the Harry Potter film franchise was able to maintain grade of quality rarely found in film series that stretch on past one or two movies, including eight.

The Harry Potter movies visualized what book readers had long fantasized about in their heads, and with the creative input and blessing of Rowling, they were able to evolve and grow even as the novels did, with four different directors bringing a range of flavors to the series from film to film without sacrificing character, story, or continuity.

I will give a brief summary of the events that transpire in each of the films so people who will might fully enjoy the incredible epicness that's the Harry Potter series.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 

Harry Potter discovers he's a wizard on the eve of his 11th birthday when a large named Hagrid comes to take him to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry learns that when he was a baby, the dark and evil wizard Lord Voldemort came into his home and murdered his parents, but was destroyed when trying to kill Harry because the spell he used backfired. Once at Hogwarts, Harry goes on to be sorted into Gryffindor house, becomes best friends with Ron Weasley, the red-headed youngest boy in a house of seven children, and Hermione Granger, the bushy-haired know-it-all, learns a touch of magic, joins the Gryffindor Quidditch team, gets to grasp his professors, and surprisingly enough makes some enemies (aka Draco Malfoy and his gang). Harry and his friends suspect that Professor Snape wants to steal the Sorcerer’s Stone, which has the facility to show the drinker immortal. they struggle to prevent him, to later know that after all it absolutely was Professor Quirrell which he was trying to resurrect Lord Voldemort, which was disturbingly incognito under his turban within the back of his head. Harry defeats Quirrell together with his “love” touch, granted by his mother’s protection when she sacrificed herself to save him .

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 

Harry Potter is back at Hogwartswhile Dobby the house elf tried to prevent him from going because he knew he was at risk. Once there, students, including Hermione, are turning up petrified by a mysterious monster. Everyone believes that Harry is that the culprit and is accused of being the Heir of Slytherin and opening the Chamber of Secrets. Salazar Slytherin, one among the founding fathers of Hogwarts, shortly before being sacked from the school, created a secret chamber within which he stored a horrendous monster and he vowed that at some point his heir would return to open the chamber and release the creature inside. When Ron’s sister Ginny is taken into the Chamber, Harry and Ron associate with the “help” of Professor Lockhart (who seems to be a fraud) to rescue her. Harry finds an unconscious Ginny within the Chamber with a boy in his teens. This boy seems to be the memory preserved in a very diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle, that when unscrambled spell out: I'm LORD VOLDEMORT. Harry defeats the basilisk, the creepy giant snake monster within the chamber, with the assistance of Dumbledore’s pet phoenix Fawkes and stabs the diary with one of the fangs of the snake destroying Tom and saving Ginny.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner Azkaban 

Harry Potter leaves his uncle’s house in rage because he blew up Aunt Marge, but he's not expelled from school because the Ministry of Magic is scared for his safety since Sirius Black, a fugitive of the wizardly prison Azkaban, is out to get him. the school is being watched by Dementors, life sucking cloaked Grim Reaper like creatures that survey Azkaban. Harry draws in these creatures and decides to be told a way to defend himself from them with the assistance of the latest teacher, Professor Lupin. Later, Harry learns that Sirius Black is really his godfather (GASP!) which the crime that got him imprisoned was that he gave Voldemort information about the whereabouts of the Potters, killed a few dozen muggles and a wizard by the name of Peter Pettigrew. It seems that Harry’s father, James, had a bunch of mischievous friends that called themselves the Marauders and that they had created the Marauder’s Map, a magical map that had the layout of the complete castle and told the whereabouts of everyone within the castle. The Marauders, that were made of James Potter, Harry’s father, Remus Lupin, the new professor, Sirius Black, Harry’s godfather, and Peter Pettigrew, the person that Sirius supposedly killed, were Animagus, they may turn themselves into animals, apart from Lupin which was already a werewolf. Later on, Ron is taken captive by Sirius in his animagus form (a dog, woof!) to not harm him, but his rat Scabbers, who was actually Pettigrew in his animagus form. Ultimately, Harry lets Sirius go when it's explained that it had been after all Pettigrew who committed the crimes and was under Voldemort’s orders. In the end, Sirius’ name isn't cleared since Pettigrew escapes.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 

Harry potter is back at Hogwarts, where this year the Triwizard Tournament are going to be happening. The Triwizard Tournament may be a magical competition with two other schools, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, which comprises 3 very dangerous challenges. The Goblet of fireplace selects a champion for every of the colleges, Viktor Krum for Durmstrang, Fleur Delacour for Beauxbatons, Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts, and to everybody’s surprise, Harry Potter. nobody knows how Harry was selected but he has got to participate since he's bound by a magical contract. The challenges are difficult and Harry receives help from Hagrid, Dobby and even the new teacher, Professor Moody. At the last challenge when head-to-head with Cedric, they create a pact that they're going to win together, but after they touch the Triwizard Cup to seal the victory, they're transported to a graveyard. There, they find Peter Pettigrew, who kills Cedric (the spare) and resurrects Lord Voldemort with Harry’s blood. Voldemort summons his followers, the Death Eaters, which include Lucius Malfoy, the daddy of Harry’s enemy Draco. Voldemort challenges Harry to a duel, where he's able to escape because his wand and Vodemort’s are twins and can’t fight against one another. He returns to highschool where he finds out that Moody is after all a Death Eater that used magic to require the real Moody’s appearance and was ensuring that Harry won the Tournament to induce him in Voldemort’s hands.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 

Harry Potter is accused of using magic before of a muggle and this point he's taken to trial where gratefully he's found not guiltydue to Dumbledore’s interference. He returns to Hogwarts, where he spends the college year wallowing after witnessing the death of Cedric Diggory, and since nobody within the Order of the Phoenix seems to be paying him any attention, aww. The Order, which is a secret group of wizards that are fighting against Voldemort, includes Dumbledore, Sirius Black, the Weasley family and various others, including Snape, which Harry’ loathes. Meanwhile in class, Harry forms a secret organization of his own named Dumbledore’s Army ( how original -.-), where he acts as a tutor to other students that think that they're not learning much under the new teacher Professor Umbridge. in the Army, he even starts dating one of his students, Cho Chang (it doesn’t last long) and secures loyalty from some of his friends, including Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. When Harry finds out that Lord Voldemort has captured his godfather Sirius, he embarks on a mission for his rescue to the Department of Mysteries, located within the Ministry of Magic, together with his loyal friends Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna. It seems to be a trap that cost Sirius’ life when the Order had to travel rescue them. Dumbledore consoles a distraught Harry and informs him of a prophecy that concerns him that was made before his birth. The prophecy says that a boy are going to be born on July 31 (which is Harry’s and Neville’s birthday) which that boy are going to be marked (which Harry was) which none can live while the other survives (you deduce your own theory on this one!).

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 

The muggle world is suffering the implications of the battle within the wizarding world. Dumbledore arrives at the Dursley’s home to ask Harry to assist him recruit Horace Slughorn to become the new Potions teacher and, to everyone’s surprise, Snape would be taking the cursed Defense Against the Darks Arts position. Once at Hogwarts, Harry and also the gang face their biggest challenge yet, hormones. Ron likes Hermione, Hermione likes Ron, Ron dates Lavender Brown, Hermione gets mad, starts dating Cormac MaClaggen, Ron’s rival, Harry runs interference between Hermione and Ron while harvesting a crush on Ron’s sister Ginny, Ginny dates Dean Thomas, and Harry wants to crush his head. While all of this is often occurring, Harry has meetings with Dumbledore where he's showing him memories about Voldemort so Harry Potter can get to understand his enemy, since he will ultimately need to face him. They also confirm Dumbledore’s conclusion that Voldemort created seven Horcruxes, or pieces of his soul that he inserted into different objects that have great assuming to him. they need already destroyed 2 Horcruxes, the diary in Harry’s second year, and Slytherin’s ring, that Dumbledore found and destroyed. Almost at the top of the college year, Dumbledore asks Harry to accompany him on a dangerous journey into a cave to search out a Horcrux. They beat the obstacles that Voldemort placed to shield it and leave the cave with the Horcrux, which was Slytherin’s locket, and a weakened Dumbledore. after they come back to, they realize that Hogwarts has been infiltrated by Death Eaters that were let within the school by Draco Malfoy, who Harry suspected right along of being a Death Eater while everyone thought it unlikely. Malfoy was instructed by Voldemort of killing Dumbledore, but when it came to that, he couldn’t commit the act. Instead, Dumbledore’s trusted professor, Snape, murders him and escapes with the Death Eaters, including Malfoy. Harry later realizes that the locket that they found within the cave wasn't really a Horcrux, but that somebody had gotten to it first and had taken the real Slytherin’s locket and left a fake with a note signed R.A.B.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Harry Potter is taken away for once last time from the house he spent his childhood to the Weasley household, by a specific group of the Order of the Phoenix that disguise themselves as Harry duplicates to confuse the Death Eaters just in case there's an attack. Surprise, surprise there's an attack and there are indeed casualties, which include Harry’s pet owl Hedwig, the important Mad-Eye Moody and George’s ear. Once at the Weasley’s home, the new Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour gives the gang some artifacts left for them by Dumbledore in his will. Hermione receives The Tales of Beedle the bard, which could be a book of youngsters stories, Ron receives Dumbledore’s Deluminator, which puts out any light, and Harry receives the Golden Snitch that he caught in his mouth on his first game of Quidditch. Later the Weasleys are having the marriage of their oldest child Bill, who came out of nowhere, and Fleur Delacour, Harry’s competition within the Triwizard Tournament. During the marriagethere's a commotion and Harry, Ron and Hermione are forced to depart everyone behind to commence their own mission, to search out and destroy the remaining of Voldemort’s Horcruxes. The gang spends many days camping and trying to work out what to try to to next and through nowadays they determine Vodemort’s attempt to find the Deathly Hallows. These are three magical artifacts that if together make the bearer immortal. They comprises the Elder Wand, which is that the most powerful wand within the world, the Resurrection Stone, which resurrects in ghost form those who have died, and therefore the Invisibility Cloak, which we suspect is that the Invisibility Cloak that Harry was given on his first year at Hogwarts. After many lost and lonely days, fights and Ron’s departure, eventually the gang together is ready to search out and destroy the locket, the missing Horcrux, before being captured and brought to the Death Eater’s headquarters in Malfoy Manor. Eventually, there's a struggle within which Harry, Ron and Hermione, aided by Dobby the house-elf, escape with the opposite captives, Dean Thomas, Luna Lovegood, Griphook the goblin, and Ollivander the wand maker. While fleeing, Dobby is hurt and after getting the party to safety, he dies. The movie ends with Voldemort opening Dumbledore’s grave and taking his wand, who he believes is that the Elder Wand.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 

A clash between good and evil awaits as young Harry Potter , Ron and Hermione prepare for a final battle against Lord Voldemort . Harry has grown into a steely lad on a mission to rid the world of evil. The friends must search for the Horcruxes that keep the dastardly wizard immortal. Harry and Voldemort meet at Hogwarts Castle for an epic showdown where the forces of darkness may finally meet their match.

Given that set-up, you can expect the last movie to be charged with action and emotion.